Thursday, November 15, 2007

Red Wing, MN

I'm finally almost home. I should arrive in Red Wing about 2:00 am. I left from Gary yesterday in the afternoon around 4:00 pm. The load I was to pick up didn't arrive until then. I drove straight to Shakopee with only one brief stop and made it in 7 1/2 hours. I then drove to Blaine 40 miles north, unloaded the truck and headed south to Red Wing.

Last night I spent from midnight to 3:00 getting unloaded in Oconomowoc and then drove 2 1/2 hours to Gary, arriving at 6:00 am. I slept on and off throughout the morning, and waited for my next load.

I've had strange hours the last couple of days.

Now I begin moving from my apt to my new condo. I have 7 days, so there is no big hurry. I hope the remainder of your week goes well. - James (Jibs - Dad/Papa )

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