Monday, March 19, 2007

New Truck

I received a message from my Team Leader this morning saying I was due for a Truck
upgrade. So he had me stop at the Indy Operating Center and exchange my truck for
a different one. It looks just the same, but is nicer. 380,000 miles instead of
580,000 miles. Everything is cleaner and looks newer. It's a 2005. The other
was a 2002. The transmission is tighter. It shifts nicer. Not as much play. It sounds
different. It has a cab heater, which I can run without idling. I'll never be
cold again.

It took me three hours to check out the new truck, transfer all my stuff from the
old truck to the new and then clean the old truck. I'm a pack rat.

I also had a decision to make today - Take a shower or buy more air freshener. I
took a shower.

I'm now back on the road again heading toward St. Louis. Because of the new
truck my delivery time was pushed back until noon tomorrow.

At the operating center they had brand new trucks. Black ones with orange trim.
They looked really good. Much better than the orange. That's what I want next.

Kathy, Hil & Addie, Jenna & Elias made it to Sun City this afternoon. They
will be there until thur.

Happy Birthday, Dad!

James (Jibs - Dad/Papa )

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