Thursday, March 22, 2007

New Orleans, LA

I made it to New Orleans at 3:30 pm. 30 ahead of schedule. Now I have a short drive tomorrow to Belle Chasse. I have what is called a live unload which will take 2 hours. At least that's what they say. It usually takes less time. I should be on my way again at 10:00 am. I'll have about 4.5 hours to drive before I need to stop. I'll have 8 hrs on Sat and 9 hrs on Sun. Any guesses where I'll go next. All I know for sure is that I can't go south.

It got into the upper 70's this afternoon, but is a bit cooler now. In Arkansas I drove through a town that was hit by a tornado. Roofs torn off, some bldgs badly damaged or demolished. I haven't seen anything yet here. I imagine tomorrow I might.

Driving on I-55 south into New Orleans was strange. Most of it was over water. One long 20 mile bridge.

I hope you are all doing well. Some will be watching the NCAA Sweet 16. Most of my teams are out, but it will be interesting to see who advances.

James (Jibs - Dad/Papa )

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