Saturday, March 10, 2007

Gary, IN

I'm at the operating center in Gary, IN all day. I don't have enough hours
to drive today. I start out again tomorrow heading for Eau Claire, WI. I'll
be stopping in Madison to visit Sydney & Elsa (Erika and Pat, too), and hopefully,
Kathy. She might drive up there to meet me. On the agenda: chocolate milk shakes.

Today, I'm going to read, watch DVD's and take a shower. Life is tough.

It is a nice day. Clear and, I think, in the 50's. Maybe warmer.

I'll take a photo of the operating center, or as much of it as I can get and
give you an idea of the number of trucks that use this facility. It is a sea of

Hope you all have a good day! - James (Jibs - Dad/Papa )

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