Monday, February 26, 2007

Waking Up

It's 3:00 pm on Monday and I'm finally waking up from last night/this morning.
Also just received my next assignment. Tomorrow at 2:30 pm I'm to pick up a
load and Kansas City, MO and then take it to Menomonie, WI and get it there sometime
Wed. It's almost 500 miles. I'll call in the morning and see if I can't
pickup the load earlier in the day.

I then have a couple of options. 1) I could drive straight thru and get into Menomonie
a little after midnight (Wed morning) and then drive to Red Wing. OR 2) I could
drive to Dubuque and get there in the evening tomorrow and visit some people I know
and then leave Wed morning for Menomonie.

Either way, I'll get Thur and Fri off and start again Saturday morning.

So, today I'll just rest up some more, watch movies and read. A couple of my
favorite things. It is clear and mild here today. A nice day. I hope it is nice
where you are. - James (Jibs - Dad/Papa )

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