Thursday, February 22, 2007

New Brake Chamber

I have a bad Brake Chamber that needs to be replaced. I'm at the operating center in Aberfoyle, ON. Once I get it into the shop it shouldn't take long. There are however, three trucks ahead of me. So, I'll wait. Hopefully I'll be able to get thru customs in Detroit tonight.

It is very windy here. It just picked up. 39 degrees. It snowed this morning when I drove to my pickup spot. It took 3 hours to get there only an hour and a half to return. I had to fax in more paperwork to customs to be sure I can get into the US. It's quite a deal.

Hope your day has been going well. - James (Jibs - Dad/Papa )


Crish Barth, owner - 925.254.6527 said...

Gotta love that homeland security.

James Barth said...

I bet it does deter terrorists, as well as every trucker who crosses the border.