Saturday, February 24, 2007

Flat Tire Fixed

It's fixed and I've been to Melrose Park, Dolton, and Joliet. Now I'm
on my way to Coldwater. About the tires. if an inner tire were flat I could still
drive it to an operating center or tire bank. I think the duals are one piece. So
they would take off both. I'll check on that. A lug nut update. 10 lug nuts
per tire inside tires excluded. (10 x 10). 100 of them. So I'd be the 101st
Lug Nut. Kind of like the 100th monkey. I'll send an official email later. -

plus a note from neil:

retty amazing....we all just had a discussion friday night about what you would
do if you got a flat tire and what the procedure would be if the flat tire was the
inside tire....i am assuming that both wheels are on the same axle and you may not
be able to get to the inside one without taking off the outside one....sounds like
an interesting logistical problem...especially if you have a full load...could be
a good opportunity for some blog photos...neil

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