Monday, February 26, 2007

Kansas City, KS

Well, I made it to my del. destination at 6:45 am. I've backed up to the dock which was a tight fit. (not much maneuvering room). This is a load that the driver is responsible for unloading. I was able to get, what they call, lumpers (workers) to unload it for me. Schneider pays for it. It will take them about 2 hours to unload.

After that, I have only one hour to find a place to park for the day. I'll start tomorrow with 11.5 hrs to drive. I should be heading back to Red Wing. My days off are to start Wed. But we'll see.

The drive from midnight to 6:45 am wasn't bad until the last hour. Then I got tired. I might take a nap while the trailer is unloaded.

Hope you all dreamt for me. I didn't have an opportunity. I'll let you know where I'm headed next. - James (Jibs - Dad/Papa )

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