Monday, February 25, 2008

Dixon, IL

This morning I'm sitting in the Schneider Indianapolis operating center. I have a load I need to take to Dixon, IL by 5:00 pm this afternoon. I picked it up yesterday morning in Columbus, OH at an operating center there. It's a relay. Another driver had brought it from MD to Columbus. I'm taking it the rest of the way.

Over the last 3 days I've been checking to find an operating center that can replace the starter in my truck. The one in Seville, OH didn't have time until tomorrow. The one in Columbus wasn't open yesterday. This one in Indy couldn't get to it until tonight. Since the time it didn't start a few days ago it has been starting ok. However, you never know when it won't start and need to be replaced. I'm attempting preventive maintenance. The suggestion the mechanics have is to always keep the tractor running.

I rented the movie 'Michael Clayton' yesterday on iTunes and downloaded it to my computer. That's a good movie.

3 or 4 more days and I'll be done at Schneider. Next week on Tues I'll probably drive with a Monson driver for a couple of days and then have a day of orientation in Duluth. I think I'll actually start driving the following Monday. March 10th.

I hope you all had a good weekend. For some of you Spring is coming. For those of us in the Upper Midwest we still have 6-8 weeks left. Someone once said that the MN has 4 seasons. June, July, August and Winter. Another commented about MN's 2 seasons, Winter and Road Construction. I'll let you know how the next few days go. - James (Jibs - Dad/Papa )

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