Friday, August 17, 2007

Ochelata, OK

I had a short day today. I could only drive 5 hours before going over my 70 hours in 7 days. I started the morning a couple of hours east of Mobile, AL. I drove there and picked up a load at a Kimberley-Clark plant. I need to take it to Ochelata, OK and get it there Sat sometime. I drove another couple of hours out of Mobile and ended up in Biloxi, MS. Tomorrow I'll head up toward Memphis and then over on I-40 to OK. Ochelata is about 20 miles north of Tulsa.

It continues to be hot. Today it was in the upper 90's. I heard it was 77 in the Twin Cities today. That sounds wonderful.

The place in Mobile (K-C) that I made the pickup at is the same place that I made my very first run to, back in January. It brought back memories.

I'm hoping after OK that I'll be sent back up north somewhere close to Dubuque. Grandma and Grandpa just arrived there this afternoon and we're hoping they get a chance to see my truck.

Yesterday when I stopped I decided to stay at a motel. I took a shower and got all cleaned up, bought some beer and sandwiches and watched movies on TV. And of course, I also spent time on my computer. I got up late and left at 11:00 am. Not bad.

I hope you all had a good week and that you weekend will be enjoyable. I'll let you know where I'm heading after Ochelata. - James (Jibs - Dad/Papa )

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