Monday, April 9, 2007

Home Run Program

Things change quickly. I called my team leader this morning and he said I could start driving today. So I am.

I will also be changing team leaders today. I'll get one in Des Moines. I talk to him today. In addition I contacted my previous team leader about the Home Run program and said I wanted to apply for it. He transferred me to another person who coordinates that program and I found out that there will be an opening for another driver on April 25th. So, I will start in that program beginning on the 25th. That was much quicker than I thought. Again, with that program I'll be out driving for a full two weeks and then have a week off, and then repeat. There are 3 drivers that share 2 trucks. The group of 3 drivers form a 'pod'. (sounds like a horror film).

I'm going to drive now until later in the week next week and then take off until the 25th.

I still don't know where I'm headed today, but will let you know when I find out. - James (Jibs - Dad/Papa )

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