Monday, June 11, 2007

Wurtsboro, NY

Well, I'm finally awake. I made it to the Atlanta Motor Speedway last night at 10:00 pm. I had to drive under the race track to get to the infield. The lights were on and cars were zooming around the track. ( I have photos which will be either on the Blog or my website). Jeff Gordon and Mario Andretti have a racing school and they were in Atlanta for the weekend. They had 2 trailers that held 6 cars each. (3 below and 3 above) The trailers were black with photos of Gordon and Andretti on the sides. They were low to the ground and looked much better than our orange trailers. There were 2 Schneider drivers and we caravaned (?) to Charlotte. Left at midnight and arrived at 5:00 am. We dropped them off at the school and then I drove to the operating center in Charlotte.

I slept on and off for 6 hours and now pick up a trailer headed for Wurtsboro, NY. I need to be there on Wednesday. I'll drive for 3 or 4 hours today and the rest of the way tomorrow.

The race track was huge. I wonder how many people it holds. I haven't experienced something like that. I imagine it is really loud on race day and crowded.

I'll keep you informed about how it is going. Take care! - James

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