Thursday, December 13, 2007

Everett, WA

Well, soon I'll be back at it. The driver before me won't be back to Blaine until tonight. So' I won't be starting again until tomorrow morning. He's bringing a load that I will be taking all the way to Everett, WA. (1700 miles). I don't need to have it there until Monday evening' so I'll have 4 full days to make the drive.

I think I'll go west on I-94 through ND, MT, UT and then WA. The other option would be to take I-90.

Once out there I'm not sure how or when I'll make it back. Heading south to CA or AZ would be ideal.

I'll have had parts of 10 days off. I've used the time getting settled in my new place and spending time with Greta and Tristan. It's been fun. I hope you all have had a good week. I'll keep you informed about my progress and next stop. - James (Jibs - Dad/Papa )

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