Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Appleton, WI

I had a busy weekend once again before heading out last night from Red Wing. I'm in the process of taking a load of rolls of paper to Appleton, WI. I'll be delivering it this morning at 10:00 am.

Last week I was done driving on Thursday morning which was much sooner than I thought it would be. But, it turned out to be fortunate for me. When I got home I checked my banking accts online and discovered that someone had withdrawn money from savings acct. I quickly called the bank and after an hour of talking to a variety of officials discovered that someone in CO had posed as me and had withdrawn the funds. For the next couple of days I took care of business (ie - closed the checking & savings accts and opened up new ones, notified places where there were automatic payments, changed passwords, etc.). I will recover the funds withdrawn. I'm glad I had the time to deal with this.

I also spent time with Tristan. We signed him up for baseball this spring and summer, and he spent 3 nights with me which was wonderful. We saw the movie 10,000 BC which was better than I thought it would be.

I also watched the MN Girls High School Basketball Tournament on TV. My former niece, Caroline Haik played guard on the team that won the Class AAA tournament. That was fun. She is a good player.

I'm hoping I'll drive more miles this week than last, but we'll see. I'll be figuring out my brackets for the NCAA Basketball Tournament in the next few days. I hope you all had a good weekend and that this week will also be good for you. - James (Jibs - Dad/Papa )

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