Monday, October 15, 2007

Milan, IL

I'm down in Laredo, TX. I arrived at about 1:00 pm. I went to the delivery location and they were closed. They won't be open until 8:30 am tomorrow. I tried to arrange to have someone else deliver it tomorrow, but they weren't open to that. So I'm here for the night.

In the meantime I received notification of another load that I'll pick up in Laredo and take to Milan, IL, which is near the Quad Cities. (1400 miles). Unlike the last two weeks where I had many short loads, this looks like a 2 week period with long ones.

I also must admit that I was following the Bears game on the computer. When the score got to 31-17 Vikings with 4:00 left in the game and the Bears quarterback had just thrown an interception, I switched to watching a movie. It turns out the Bears scored 2 touchdowns, but lost in the final seconds 34-31. I'm glad I'm in Laredo, TX and not in MN. Vikings fans are so hard to get along with sometimes. I owe Tristan's dad a 6-pack of beer, and bottles of pop to another 3 people. Oh, the pain!

I hope your weekend is going well. Greetings from Laredo! - James (Jibs - Dad/Papa )

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